Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 30

So I have officially been here a month. wow, 30 days. But all is ok.

Today was not the best day. You see there was an announcement sent out last week that the electricity would be out for one hour between 7:30 and 8:30 am this thursday, so there would be no hot water. I prepared for that, took my shower last night. But I did not remember to set my ipod because clearly my alarm clock is electric which means it would not wake me up. And wake me up it did not. So I woke up at 9:15 for my 8:50 class. The teacher was not pleased, see I'm usually 3 minutes late like every few days, I know, it's a problem I'm working on. But yeah, so she was not hearing about my alarm clock that made me miss an entire class. And I never give excuses so I was just like oh wow, you really don't care. Sucks to be me. This is why in the states the cellphone alarm is one of the best, or I guess you could be fancy and just buy a battery for the alarm clock. But I'm not there yet people.

The sensee was upset because we didn't know our dialogue either, I knew it, I just used the wrong verb, you can say that means I didn't know it, but ikimas and kimas are very similar verbs, to go and to come. I added an i and it was downhill from there. So wish me better class days. I need to do better. And I am, my quiz and test scores are increasing if you don't count the quiz I missed today. #Japanlifestruggles

Oh and so I thought last week was a bad snow day, well I was wrong.

view from my window, those are our bikes covered in snow.

Snow that I didn't have to ride through since class was canceled again. We were supposed to have a field trip to a Japanese government office. This is not good, because now we have to make up two lectures. Thankful that I don't have to ride through the snow though.

Out yonder from my window.

In all seriousness though, this is the snow that if you woke up to it, public schools would have a snow day. Now I'm "trapped" in my room because I'm not venturing out there.

Until Next Time,

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