Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 107

Things just keep progressing here.

Today I had my final class of my undergraduate career. It is so surreal. No more college for me.... for now. I am so proud and excited to be done. 9 days until I can call my self a Michigan Alum.

We had presentations today and we also ate int he cafeteria. Last week school started for Japanese students and this week school was in ful swing. It was crowded in the cafe, and even outside the caf. And it was a beautiful day. this evening my conversation partner to be to a tapa's restaurant, and I have pics.

The restaurant seating

i wanted pics of everything as you can see

this was fish, very tasty

my convo partner Akiko and the pot was actually used to cook the fish

wasabi octopus. It wasn't bad but I'm no fan of wasabi


I don'r remember what's it's called but it's a fried vegetable, also tasty

pork and cabbage

Me and my convo partner

the waiters at the restaurant

On the drive back to my dorm, the castle was lit up for the Sakura

blurry but still gorgeous.

Until Next Time,

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