Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 7

Today was my first day of class. Yikes. Well it wasn't too bad. We did a lot of repeating, so it is helping me with my pronunciation. I have to get this alphabet together, so I will be so excited when I can write to you and say that I know the Hiragana alphabet, but then it will be Katakana. I'm making strides.

I went to Vivia City today, it's a mall. We biked to The Hikone Station, and then took that one stop to the mall. I biked 5+ miles today, and I am so proud. It's really not that bad. Well it's not that hilly either because I know for those Ann Arborites, I biked from Bursley to Baits, and that was death. But this 5+ miles, a piece of cake. So I'm going to really get out and bike more for distance now.

But on to pics:

Here is Hikone Station, looks like I could be in chicago, sans the Japanese words

Viva City- the mall

Remember that nike ad about the butt toning shoes, well they may be fake in america, but Reebok sure did not miss out on it

So their malls are a little different, it's like a whole bunch of open space with stores, like picture macys', and how you have the different sections, one for each designer sometimes, well think of those different sections as different stores.

I guess they are looking for a leaser

two stores, there are like no wall divides

I haven't been adventurous with food, because this is what they have to offer at different restaurants:

This is subway though, that's shrimp on that sub

gesha and other little dolls

a popular character

They had a Cafe Du Monde's

I ended up eating Micky D's, only my second time eating out. But do you see this Big America, OMG, this is what they think of us, that looks disgusting.

my meal was cheap, I had to take a picture of what a wanted, and point to the chicken because I didn't know how to ask for it. 

I want to find a mom and pop shop or something similar, I really want a japanese tea set, and a kimono, well something kimono-esq(sp)

This is where we parked our bikes at Hikone Station for a nominal fee

My bike, ... I bought socks at the mall

So I went to the restaurant next door to our dorms because my roommate didn't want to eat by herself. And this was the bathroom. Luckily i haven't seen the toilets that are in the ground, I guess it would be good for the cultural experience. Very clean. That thing that looks like a soap dispenser on the left is a cleaner where you can take tissue and clean the seat. I don't know what all those fancy buttons are for.

My tea maker that I used at the restaurant, it was a wild strawberry, very good.

But that was my day. I rode back with three people in the dark and it was very scenic. There are many mountains and it was nice to see some of the buildings lit up at night like the Hikone castle. We rode by a pond, and I saw swan, and even a baseball game. I have to go on more adventures. 

Well until next time,

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